Friday, October 12, 2007
Stephen King on Fox

Early in tonight's Red Sox-Indians game at Fenway Park, the Fox TV cameras spotted lifelong Sox fan Stephen King reading in the stands. Now, as I've admitted before, I read at the ballpark--but only when I'm alone, and only between innings. King, on the other hand, was reading during the game.
He fully redeemed himself later, though. When sideline reporter Chris Myers sat next to him and asked him about being caught reading, King responded:
With baseball, you can read eighteen pages just in the inning breaks. And now that Fox is doing the games, you can read twenty-seven pages because the commercial breaks are longer!
Now if only he'd thought to describe, in bloodcurdling detail, what he thought should happen to Scooter the talking baseball.
Postscript: Too bad the Red Sox weren't playing the Yankees--Stephen King could have probably written a whole novel about their zombie problem.

{Animated gif of zombie Shelley Duncan by rocketlass.}
Labels: Scooter, Shelley Duncan, Stephen King, zombies