Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Basebrawl, the fun version

Now, even if you didn't enjoy Jason Varitek's attempt to pluck out Alex Rodriguez's eyes on Saturday, I think you'll enjoy the brawl from last night's White Sox/Twins game as presented by Batgirl.

What, you say? There was no brawl? Well, she thinks there should have been, after Corey Koskie was hit by pitches three times in the game. And she's got Lego men and a digital camera, all she needs to make her own brawl.

By the way: what do you think Varitek was going to do with A-Rod's eyes if he got them? At first I thought he was planning ahead to use the hidden ball trick, but I don't think that would work as well with eyeballs as it did with a potato that one time.

Original comments...

Dan: I think I read Varitek was going to threaten to throw his eyes into the Tigris River unless the Yankees withdrew their club from first place.

Jason: I think he was confusing Alex Rodriguez with Bette Davis.

Just ask Kim Carnes.

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