Friday, April 30, 2004


Brain delay

Via Jon Solomon, from the Indianapolis Star-Tribune, on yesterday's Louisville Bats/Indianapolis Indians game:

"The game was halted for 15 minutes after the third inning when Indians first baseman Jeff Liefer accidentally got locked inside the team's clubhouse restroom."

Original comments...

sandor: Glad to see the good ol' Indy Indians get some press, however silly it is. I'll be the first to admit there isn't much to see on your way through Naptown, but Victory Field really is a treat. I treated my grandma to a game there a few years ago, and we had a blast. Highly recommended, even when the ballplayers are too dumb to remember how a door works.

(Small point: Last I checked the masthead it's the Indianapolis Star, no -Tribune. You must be thinking of that -apolis, up north somewhere. Incidentally, the one AAA park that I know of that stands up to Victory Field is that of the St. Paul Saints.)

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